Year 11 Maths Methods

Year 11 Maths Methods starts looking at more advanced mathematics topics that will be part of the VCE. Getting a solid understanding and improving students confidence is essential. Progress Education focuses on teaching practices that create the best learning experience that gets results.

  • 2 hour weekly lessons
  • Classes cover course materials, worked examples exam style questions, weekly
  • Exam style homework given weekly and is expected to be completed weekly
  • Topic Tests administered at the end of eact withmarks reported in the End of Term report

Class Times

Saturdays 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Program Details

Term 1 (Oct - Dec) Functions and Graphs, Stationary Points, Different Rational Power Functions, Transformations, Polynomial Functions, and Higher and Inverse functions
Term 2 (Jan - Mar) Algebra of Polynomial Functions of Low Degree and Transformations, Equations
Term 3 (Apr - Jun) Simultaneous Equations, Rates and Calculus
Term 4 (Jul - Sep) Probability, Statistics. Revision for Preliminary Exams

Tuition Fees

10 Lessons
per School Term
x 2 Hrs
per Lesson
x $40
per Hour
= $800.00
per School Term
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