Year 10 Mathematics

There is a significant difference in difficulty between years 10 and 11. So this is a key step in preparation for year 11 to help decide the Maths subjects you choose going forward. Progress Education focuses on teaching practices that create the best learning experience that gets results.

  • 2 hour weekly lessons
  • Classes cover course materials, worked examples exam style questions, weekly
  • Exam style homework given weekly and is expected to be completed weekly
  • Topic Tests administered at the end of eact withmarks reported in the End of Term report

Class Times

Sundays 11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Program Details

Term 1 (Oct - Dec) Arithmetic and Number Systems, Algebra, Linear and Non-linear Relationships
Term 2 (Jan - Mar) Money and Financial Maths, Indices, Logarithms, Trigonometry
Term 3 (Apr - Jun) Unit Circle, Geometry, Measurements
Term 4 (Jul - Sep) Statistics and Probability. Revision for Exams

Tuition Fees

10 Lessons
per School Term
x 2 Hrs
per Lesson
x $40
per Hour
= $800.00
per School Term
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