Marcelle and Desiree

Marcelle: I was tutored by Progress Education  because my year 8 mathematics teacher only focused on people in the class who were struggling, and missed basic points in subjects including algebra and geometry. My tutor broke down complex concepts and made sure that I was constantly challenged. I had tutoring from year 8 to year 12 for maths, and by year eleven, I also enrolled in chemistry tuition. The continuity of being taught by the tutoring service assisted me to grasp the subject content, which helped me maintain good grades throughout high school. I highly recommend Progress Tutoring for both maths and chemistry tutoring, my tutor was an insightful and patient teacher. I finished high school with a 90+ VCE ENTER score, and went on to study Arts/ Commerce at Monash University. I am currently undertaking a Masters in Public Policy at Australian National University, and work as a Budget Officer within the Federal Department of Finance and Deregulation.

Desiree: I began at Progress Education  in year 8 to get additional help in mathematics. I was an average student, and received good grades before getting tutoring; however through tutoring, I focused on maths problems that surpassed the requirements of the high school curriculum. Getting tutored from year 8 till year 12 for maths gave me the advantage of being able to approach subjects a different way to what was presented in class. I also received tutoring for physics in senior school. I was able to receive good grades, despite being more humanities focused. My tutor was a very dedicated teacher, who was incredibly generous with her time when I needed extra help for upcoming tests or exams. She challenged me with harder questions, which made tests at school easier, and my understanding of key concepts a lot clearer. The attention you receive is one you cannot get at school, whether you are struggling with the subject, or relatively competent, and requiring harder analytical problems. I went on to achieve a high ENTER score, and got into the university course I wanted. I used the practical skills I learnt at Progress Education to tutor others in a variety of subjects. I am currently studying a Masters of Teaching at the Australian Catholic University.