Alex L.

I took mathematics classes from Progress Education for approximately five years. In my early secondary school years, my teacher greatly assisted me in overcoming my difficulties with problem-solving. I learnt various methods of approaching difficult mathematical problems and different ways of conceptualising solutions. In my final years of school, we prepared for VCE Mathematical Methods. With my tutors help, I was able to finish the course content very early which gave me valuable additional time to prepare for the end-of-year examinations. I was able to spend more time practising my knowledge, focus on my own ‘trouble areas’ and complete extra practice examinations.

In the five years that I was taught at Progress Education, I have found them to be utterly beyond criticism. My teacher was patient, understanding and always prepared to explain things slowly. If you did not understand the first time or the second time, then she will find another way to explain it or another method to solve it. Her knowledge, qualifications and experience as a teacher and a VCE examiner places her in a unique position to teach or greatly assist any student studying mathematics. I benefited immensely from her teaching and I trust that many other students will too.”Alexander Luong, graduated from Haileybury College in 2008 and is currently studying a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Commerce at Deakin University.